Fracino Contempo Electronic – 4 Group (CON4E) Espresso Coffee Machine
The standard Contempo model boasts a stainless steel finish that shines like polished chrome. The design of the machine reflects a modern interpretation of style that makes for a stunning, yet timeless focal point in any café, bar or restaurant.
Fracino’s Contempo machines are semi-automatic or electronically controlled. They are available with 1, 2, 3 or 4 groups for making coffee and each machine has a hot water facility and steam tube for frothing and steaming milk. All have large capacity boilers, high-powered elements and are hand built to the highest standards, using only the finest stainless steel, copper and brass.
CON4E / Electronic
- Electronically controlled.
- Four accurately pre-programmed coffee measures.
- 4 Group
Key Features
- Top quality copper boiler heated by multiple looped element.
- Pressure controlled by a triple contact pressure switch.
- Automatic water level system with a probe, electronic control unit and solenoid valve.
- The pressure of water and steam is separately controlled by brass safety valves.
- Standard clearance is 125mm and the high group (latte glass) option is 150mm.
- Hot water and steam are released by rotating the valve handles on the solid brass valves.
- Brass bodied group with stainless shower plate, solenoid valve and high pressure pump.
- Thermosyphonic circulation ensures the group is kept constantly hot for perfect coffee making.
- Case, waste and cup tray are all made from stainless steel 304.
- Espresso tray and cup shield as standard on all machines.
- Easy clean steam tubes.
- Reviews