
All around the world there are many events, festivals, promotions and gatherings that help unify people all year round. None quite so much right now as women's equality. Whether in the work place or not, decreasing the pay gap, being more inclusive of women at senior levels and eradicating harassment, its certainly a topic we can all get behind.

So where did it come from?

Until I looked into it, I had no idea its been celebrated for such a long time! With so much publicity on equal pay and gender differences in more recent years, I was surprised to find that the idea started back in Feb 1909. This was when the Socialist Party of America held a Woman's Day in New York. However, it wasn't proposed as an annual celebration, specifically on March 8th, until 1910 when German revolutionary, Clara Zetkin, wanted to honour the memory of working women. 

Although only celebrated predominantly by Socialist movements and Communist countries until it was adopted by Feminist groups in 1967 and then the United Nations in 1975.

Having been a day to celebrate for more than the last 100 years, this is a day that is celebrated by many as a public holiday, while at the same time is largely ignored elsewhere.

From our point of view, coffee is drunk by many. In many different ways and places. Men, women and in some circumstances children (although hopefully our decaf water) and even our pets!

It's a beverage that can comfort us, give us the boost to our day or bring us together with family, friends and colleagues. 

So this IWD, grab your girls together at home and make a brew to celebrate everything that you are, have achieved and what you dream to over the coming years.

We're big believers that nothing can hold you back but yourself! Yet guess what, coffee will be there for you every step of the way, to hold your hand, support you, push you and console you. 


#internationalwomensday #IWD